Golang 重复一个字符串的特定次数
在 Repeat() 函数的帮助下,你可以重复一个字符串的特定次数。该方法返回一个包含重复字符串的新字符串,它被定义在strings包中。因此,你必须在你的程序中导入strings包以访问Repeat函数。
func Repeat(str string, count int) string
这里, str代表你要重复的字符串,count值代表你要重复str字符串的次数。
例1 :
// Go program to illustrate how to repeat
// a string to a specific number of times
package main
import (
// Main method
func main() {
// Creating and initializing a string
// Using shorthand declaration
str1 := "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !.."
str2 := "This is the tutorial of Go"
// Repeating the given strings
// Using Repeat function
res1 := strings.Repeat(str1, 4)
res2 := str2 + strings.Repeat("Language..", 2)
// Display the results
fmt.Println("Result 1: ", res1)
fmt.Println("Result 2:", res2)
Result 1: Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !.. Result 2: This is the tutorial of GoLanguage..Language..
注意: 如果count的值为负数或者(len(str)*count)
例子2 :
// Go program to illustrate how to repeat
// a string to a specific number of times
package main
import (
// Main method
func main() {
// Creating and initializing a string
// Using shorthand declaration
str1 := "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !.."
str2 := "This is the tutorial of Go"
// Repeating the given strings
// Using Repeat function
res1 := strings.Repeat(str1, 4)
// If we use a negative value in the count
// then this method will panic because negative
// values are not allowed to count
res2 := str2 + strings.Repeat("Language..", -2)
// Display the results
fmt.Println("Result 1: ", res1)
fmt.Println("Result 2:", res2)
panic: strings: negative Repeat count goroutine 1 [running]: strings.Repeat(0x104b22, 0xa, 0xfffffffe, 0x0, 0x450000, 0x70) /usr/local/go/src/strings/strings.go:533 +0x540 main.main() /tmp/sandbox829702598/prog.go:25 +0x80
// Go program to illustrate how to repeat
// a string to a specific number of times
package main
import (
// Main method
func main() {
// Creating and initializing a string
// Using shorthand declaration
str1 := "Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !.."
// Repeating the given strings
i := 0
res1 := " "
for i < 3 {
res1 += str1
i += 1
// Display the results
fmt.Println("Result 1: ", res1)
Result 1: Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..Welcome to GeeksforGeeks !..