numpy random()函数中的随机采样
numpy.random.random()是numpy中做随机抽样的函数之一。它返回一个指定形状的数组,并在半开区间[0.0, 1.0]内填充随机浮点数。
参数 :
size : [int or tuple of ints, optional] 输出形状。如果给定的形状是,例如,(m, n, k),那么将绘制m * n * k的样本。默认为无,在这种情况下,将返回一个单一的值。
返回:区间[0.0, 1.0]的随机浮点数数组。如果没有提供大小,则为单个此类随机浮点数。
# Python program explaining
# numpy.random.random() function
# importing numpy
import numpy as geek
# output array
out_arr = geek.random.random(size = 3)
print ("Output 1D Array filled with random floats : ", out_arr)
输出 :
Output 1D Array filled with random floats : [ 0.21698734 0.01617363 0.70382199]
# Python program explaining
# numpy.random.random() function
# importing numpy
import numpy as geek
# output array
out_arr = geek.random.random(size =(2, 4))
print ("Output 2D Array filled with random floats : ", out_arr)
输出 :
Output 2D Array filled with random floats : [[ 0.95423066 0.35595927 0.76048569 0.90163066]
[ 0.41903408 0.85596254 0.21666156 0.05734769]]
# Python program explaining
# numpy.random.random() function
# importing numpy
import numpy as geek
# output array
out_arr = geek.random.random((2, 3, 2))
print ("Output 3D Array filled with random floats : ", out_arr)
输出 :
Output 3D Array filled with random floats : [[[ 0.07861816 0.79132387]
[ 0.9112629 0.98162851]
[ 0.0727613 0.03480279]]
[[ 0.11267727 0.07631742]
[ 0.47554553 0.83625053]
[ 0.67781339 0.37856642]]]