Golang 查找指定数字的余弦值
func Cos(y float64) float64
- 如果在此函数中传递+Inf或-Inf,则此函数将返回NaN(非数字)。
- 如果在此函数中传递NaN,则此函数将返回NaN。
// Golang program to illustrate how to find
// the cosine of the given radian argument
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Finding the cosine
// of the given value
// Using Cos() function
res_1 := math.Cos(math.Pi / 4)
res_2 := math.Cos(math.Inf(-3))
res_3 := math.Cos(0)
res_4 := math.Cos(math.NaN())
res_5 := math.Cos(math.Pi)
// Displaying the result
fmt.Printf("Result 1: %.1f", res_1)
fmt.Printf("\nResult 2: %.1f", res_2)
fmt.Printf("\nResult 3: %.1f", res_3)
fmt.Printf("\nResult 4: %.1f", res_4)
fmt.Printf("\nResult 5: %.1f", res_5)
Result 1: 0.7
Result 2: NaN
Result 3: 1.0
Result 4: NaN
Result 5: -1.0
// Golang program to illustrate how to find
// the cosine of the given radian argument
package main
import (
// Main function
func main() {
// Finding cosine of
// the given number
nvalue_1 := math.Cos(0)
nvalue_2 := math.Cos(math.Pi / 2)
// Sum of the given values
res := nvalue_1 + nvalue_2
// Displaying results
fmt.Printf("%.1f + %.1f = %.1f", nvalue_1, nvalue_2, res)
1.0 + 0.0 = 1.0