Golang 指针

Golang 指针




Golang也允许使用字面表达式将十六进制数字保存到变量中,即从 0x 开始的数字是一个十六进制数字。

例子: 在下面的程序中,我们将十六进制的数字存储到一个变量中。但你可以看到,数值的类型是 int ,并保存为十进制,或者你可以说 int 类型的十进制值正在存储。但解释这个例子的重点是,我们正在存储一个十六进制的数值(将其视为一个内存地址),但它不是一个指针,因为它没有指向另一个变量的任何其他内存位置。它只是一个用户定义的变量。所以这就产生了对指针的需求。

// Golang program to demonstrate the variables
// storing the hexadecimal values
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // storing the hexadecimal
    // values in variables
    x := 0xFF
    y := 0x9C
    // Displaying the values
    fmt.Printf("Type of variable x is %T\n", x)
    fmt.Printf("Value of x in hexadecimal is %X\n", x)
    fmt.Printf("Value of x in decimal is %v\n", x)
    fmt.Printf("Type of variable y is %T\n", y)
    fmt.Printf("Value of y in hexadecimal is %X\n", y)
    fmt.Printf("Value of y in decimal is %v\n", y)   


Type of variable x is int
Value of x in hexadecimal is FF
Value of x in decimal is 255
Type of variable y is int
Value of y in hexadecimal is 9C
Value of y in decimal is 156

指针是一种特殊的变量,它不仅用来存储其他变量的内存地址,而且还指出内存的位置,并提供找出存储在该内存位置的值的方法。它通常被称为一种特殊的变量,因为它几乎是作为一个变量来声明的,但有* (解除引用操作符)。




  • *操作符 也被称为去引用操作符,用于声明指针变量和访问存储在地址中的值。
  • 操作符 被称为地址操作符,用于返回变量的地址或访问指针变量的地址。


var pointer_name *Data_Type

例如: 下面是一个字符串类型的指针,它只能存储字符串变量的内存地址。

var s *string

指针的初始化: 要做到这一点,你需要使用地址操作符用另一个变量的内存地址初始化一个指针,如下例所示:

// normal variable declaration
var a = 45

// Initialization of pointer s with 
// memory address of variable a
var s *int = &a


// Golang program to demonstrate the declaration
// and initialization of pointers
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // taking a normal variable
    var x int = 5748
    // declaration of pointer
    var p *int
    // initialization of pointer
    p = &x
        // displaying the result
    fmt.Println("Value stored in x = ", x)
    fmt.Println("Address of x = ", &x)
    fmt.Println("Value stored in variable p = ", p)


Value stored in x =  5748
Address of x =  0x414020
Value stored in variable p =  0x414020


1. 一个指针的默认值或零值总是为 零。 或者你可以说,一个未初始化的指针总是有一个nil值。


// Golang program to demonstrate
// the nil value of the pointer
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
        // taking a pointer
    var s *int
    // displaying the result
    fmt.Println("s = ", s)


s =  <nil>

2. 指针的声明和初始化可以在一行中完成。


var s *int = &a

3. 如果你在声明指针时指定了数据类型,那么指针将能够处理指定数据类型变量的内存地址。例如,如果你采取一个字符串类型的指针,那么你给指针的变量地址将只是字符串数据类型的变量,而不是任何其他类型。

4. 为了克服上述问题,你可以使用var关键字的类型推理概念。在声明时不需要指定数据类型。指针型变量的类型也可以像普通变量一样由编译器决定。这里我们将不使用*操作符。它将由编译器内部决定,因为我们正在用另一个变量的地址初始化该变量。


// Golang program to demonstrate
// the use of type inference in
// Pointer variables
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // using var keyword
    // we are not defining
    // any type with variable
    var y = 458
    // taking a pointer variable using
    // var keyword without specifying
    // the type
    var p = &y
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y = ", y)
    fmt.Println("Address of y = ", &y)
    fmt.Println("Value stored in pointer variable p = ", p)


Value stored in y =  458
Address of y =  0x414020
Value stored in pointer variable p =  0x414020

5. 你也可以使用速记(:=)语法来声明和初始化指针变量。如果我们使用&(address) 操作符将变量的地址传递给它,编译器将在内部确定该变量是一个指针变量。


// Golang program to demonstrate
// the use of shorthand syntax in
// Pointer variables
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // using := operator to declare
    // and initialize the variable
    y := 458
    // taking a pointer variable using
    // := by assigning it with the
    // address of variable y
    p := &y
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y = ", y)
    fmt.Println("Address of y = ", &y)
    fmt.Println("Value stored in pointer variable p = ", p)


Value stored in y =  458
Address of y =  0x414020
Value stored in pointer variable p =  0x414020


正如我们所知,*操作符也被称为去参考操作符。它不仅用于声明指针变量,而且还用于访问指针所指向的变量中存储的值,这通常被称为 间接或解除引用。 *操作符也被称为.NET地址的值。 让我们举一个例子来更好地理解这个概念。


// Golang program to illustrate the
// concept of dereferencing a pointer
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // using var keyword
    // we are not defining
    // any type with variable
    var y = 458
    // taking a pointer variable using
    // var keyword without specifying
    // the type
    var p = &y
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y = ", y)
    fmt.Println("Address of y = ", &y)
    fmt.Println("Value stored in pointer variable p = ", p)
    // this is dereferencing a pointer
    // using * operator before a pointer
    // variable to access the value stored
    // at the variable at which it is pointing
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y(*p) = ", *p)


Value stored in y =  458
Address of y =  0x414020
Value stored in pointer variable p =  0x414020
Value stored in y(*p) =  458



// Golang program to illustrate the
// above mentioned concept
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // using var keyword
    // we are not defining
    // any type with variable
    var y = 458
    // taking a pointer variable using
    // var keyword without specifying
    // the type
    var p = &y
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y before changing = ", y)
    fmt.Println("Address of y = ", &y)
    fmt.Println("Value stored in pointer variable p = ", p)
    // this is dereferencing a pointer
    // using * operator before a pointer
    // variable to access the value stored
    // at the variable at which it is pointing
    fmt.Println("Value stored in y(*p) Before Changing = ", *p)
    // changing the value of y by assigning
    // the new value to the pointer
    *p = 500
     fmt.Println("Value stored in y(*p) after Changing = ",y)


Value stored in y before changing =  458
Address of y =  0x414020
Value stored in pointer variable p =  0x414020
Value stored in y(*p) Before Changing =  458
Value stored in y(*p) after Changing =  500







