Golang 如何修剪字节的片断
func Trim(ori_slice[]byte, cut_string string) []byte
例1 :
// Go program to illustrate the concept
// of trim in the slice of bytes
package main
import (
func main() {
// Creating and initializing
// the slice of bytes
// Using shorthand declaration
slice_1 := []byte{'!', '!', 'G', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's', 'f',
'o', 'r', 'G', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's', '#', '#'}
slice_2 := []byte{'*', '*', 'A', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e', '^', '^'}
slice_3 := []byte{'%', 'g', 'e', 'e', 'k', 's', '%'}
// Displaying slices
fmt.Println("Original Slice:")
fmt.Printf("Slice 1: %s", slice_1)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 2: %s", slice_2)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 3: %s", slice_3)
// Trimming specified leading
// and trailing Unicodes points
// from the given slice of bytes
// Using Trim function
res1 := bytes.Trim(slice_1, "!#")
res2 := bytes.Trim(slice_2, "*^")
res3 := bytes.Trim(slice_3, "@")
// Display the results
fmt.Printf("New Slice:\n")
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 1: %s", res1)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 2: %s", res2)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 3: %s", res3)
Original Slice:
Slice 1: !!GeeksforGeeks##
Slice 2: **Apple^^
Slice 3: %geeks%New Slice:
Slice 1: GeeksforGeeks
Slice 2: Apple
Slice 3: %geeks%
例2 :
// Go program to illustrate the concept
// of trim in the slice of bytes
package main
import (
func main() {
// Creating and trimming
// the slice of bytes
// Using Trim function
res1 := bytes.Trim([]byte("****Welcome to GeeksforGeeks****"), "*")
res2 := bytes.Trim([]byte("!!!!Learning how to trim a slice of bytes@@@@"), "!@")
res3 := bytes.Trim([]byte("^^Geek&&"), "$")
// Display the results
fmt.Printf("Final Slice:\n")
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 1: %s", res1)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 2: %s", res2)
fmt.Printf("\nSlice 3: %s", res3)
Final Slice:
Slice 1: Welcome to GeeksforGeeks
Slice 2: Learning how to trim a slice of bytes
Slice 3: ^^Geek&&