React-Native 创建一个任务管理应用

React-Native 创建一个任务管理应用

在本文中,我们将为您介绍使用React Native构建基本任务管理应用的过程。该应用程序使用户能够轻松创建、编辑、完成/未完成和删除任务,为Re­act Native的移动应用开发能力提供了简单而有影响力的入门介绍。


  • React Native入门
  • Javascript
  • React Native状态
  • React Native Props
  • Expo CLI
  • Node.js和npm(Node Package Manager)

安装和配置React Native的步骤

步骤1:使用以下命令创建一个React Native应用:

npx create-expo-app taskmanager-app  


cd taskmanager-app  


在这个应用程序中,我们已经安装了 react native现代日期选择器 用于选择日期。

npm i react-native-modern-datepicker  


React-Native 创建一个任务管理应用


此React Native代码片段可让您轻松构建一个简单的任务管理应用程序。它使用useState有效地管理状态,使您能够平滑处理任务数据、编辑功能和模态框可见性。该应用程序的界面呈现了一个可滚动的任务列表,每个任务都有一个标题。通过使用带有标题和内容输入的模态框,用户可以轻松地添加、编辑、完成/未完成和删除任务。

示例: 此示例使用react-native创建了一个任务管理应用程序。

// App.js 
// Import necessary modules and components 
import React, { useState } from "react"; 
import { 
} from "react-native"; 
// Import TaskList component 
import TaskList from "./components/TaskList";  
// Import TaskModal component 
import TaskModal from "./components/TaskModel";  
import styles from "./styles"; // Import styles 
// Define the main App component 
const App = () => { 
    // Define state variables 
    // Array to store tasks 
    const [tasks, setTasks] = useState([]);  
    const [task, setTask] = useState({ 
        title: "", 
        description: "", 
        status: "Pending", 
        deadline: "", 
        createdAt: "", 
    // Task object for creating/editing tasks 
    // Modal visibility 
    const [modalVisible, setModalVisible] = useState(false);  
    // Task being edited 
    const [editingTask, setEditingTask] = useState(null);  
    const [validationError, setValidationError] = 
        useState(false); // Validation flag 
    // Function to add a new task or update an existing task 
    const handleAddTask = () => { 
        if ( 
            task.title.trim() !== "" && 
            task.deadline !== ""
        ) { 
            const currentDate = new Date(); 
            const formattedDate = 
            if (editingTask) { 
                // If editing an existing task, update it 
                const updatedTasks = => 
                        ? { ...t, ...task } 
                        : t 
            } else { 
                // If adding a new task, create it 
                const newTask = { 
                    // Set the creation date and time as a string 
                    createdAt: formattedDate,  
                setTasks([...tasks, newTask]); 
            // Clear the task input fields and reset state 
                title: "", 
                description: "", 
                status: "Pending", 
                deadline: "", 
                createdAt: "", 
            // Close the modal 
            // Reset validation error 
        } else { 
            // Show validation error if fields are not filled 
    // Function to handle task editing 
    const handleEditTask = (task) => { 
        // Set the task being edited 
        // Pre-fill the input with task data 
        // Open the modal for editing 
    // Function to delete a task 
    const handleDeleteTask = (taskId) => { 
        const updatedTasks = tasks.filter( 
            (t) => !== taskId 
    // Function to toggle task completion status 
    const handleToggleCompletion = (taskId) => { 
        const updatedTasks = => 
   === taskId 
                ? { 
                          t.status === "Pending"
                              ? "Completed"
                              : "Pending", 
                : t 
    // Return the JSX for rendering the component 
    return ( 
        <View style={styles.container}> 
            <Text style={styles.title}>Task Manager</Text> 
            {/* Render the TaskList component */} 
            {/* Button to add or edit tasks */} 
                onPress={() => { 
                        title: "", 
                        description: "", 
                        status: "Pending", 
                        deadline: "", 
                        createdAt: "", 
                <Text style={styles.addButtonText}> 
                    {editingTask ? "Edit Task" : "Add Task"} 
            {/* Render the TaskModal component */} 
                handleCancel={() => { 
                        title: "", 
                        description: "", 
                        status: "Pending", 
                        deadline: "", 
                        createdAt: "", 
// Export the App component as the default export 
export default App;
// components/TaskList.js 
import React from "react"; 
import { ScrollView } from "react-native"; 
import TaskItem from "./TaskItem"; 
import styles from "../styles"; 
const TaskList = ({ 
}) => { 
    return ( 
        <ScrollView style={styles.taskList}> 
            {/* Scrollable container for the list of tasks */} 
            { => ( 
                    // Use the task's ID as the key to  
                    // uniquely identify each TaskItem 
                    // Pass the task object as a prop to TaskItem 
                    // Pass functions to handle editing,  
                    // toggling completion, and deletion 
// Export the TaskList component 
export default TaskList;
// components/TaskItem.js 
import React from "react"; 
import { View, Text, TouchableOpacity } from "react-native"; 
import styles from "../styles"; 
const TaskItem = ({ 
}) => { 
    return ( 
        <View style={styles.taskItem}> 
            <View style={styles.taskTextContainer}> 
                        task.status === "Completed" && 
                <Text style={styles.taskDescription}> 
                <Text style={styles.taskStatus}> 
                    Status: {task.status} 
                <Text style={styles.taskDeadline}> 
                    Deadline: {task.deadline} 
                <Text style={styles.taskCreatedAt}> 
                    Created: {task.createdAt} 
            <View style={styles.buttonContainer}> 
                    onPress={() => handleEditTask(task)} 
                    <Text style={styles.buttonText}> 
                    onPress={() => 
                        task.status === "Completed" && 
                    <Text style={styles.buttonText}> 
                        {task.status === "Completed"
                            ? "Pending"
                            : "Completed"} 
                    onPress={() => 
                    <Text style={styles.buttonText}> 
export default TaskItem;
// components/TaskModal.js 
import React from "react"; 
import { 
} from "react-native"; 
import styles from "../styles"; 
import DatePicker from "react-native-modern-datepicker"; 
const TaskModal = ({ 
}) => { 
    return ( 
            {/* Container for the modal */} 
            <View style={styles.modalContainer}> 
                    onChangeText={(text) => 
                        setTask({ ...task, title: text }) 
                    // Update the title when text changes/> 
                    onChangeText={(text) => 
                            description: text, 
                <Text style={styles.inputLabel}> 
                    onDateChange={(date) => 
                        setTask({ ...task, deadline: date }) 
                {validationError && ( 
                    <Text style={styles.errorText}> 
                        Please fill in all fields correctly. 
                    // Display "Update" when editing an existing  
                    // task, "Add" when adding a new task 
                    title={ ? "Update" : "Add"} 
                    // Call the handleAddTask function  
                    // when the button is pressed 
                    // Set the button color 
export default TaskModal;
// styles.js 
import { StyleSheet } from "react-native"; 
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ 
    container: { 
        flex: 1, 
        padding: 20, 
        backgroundColor: "#f7f7f7", 
    title: { 
        fontSize: 28, 
        fontWeight: "bold", 
        marginBottom: 20, 
        color: "#333", 
        textAlign: "center", 
    taskList: { 
        flex: 1, 
    taskItem: { 
        flexDirection: "row", 
        justifyContent: "space-between", 
        alignItems: "center", 
        backgroundColor: "#fff", 
        marginBottom: 10, 
        padding: 15, 
        borderRadius: 10, 
    taskTextContainer: { 
        flex: 1, 
    taskText: { 
        fontSize: 18, 
        fontWeight: "bold", 
        color: "#333", 
    completedTaskText: { 
        textDecorationLine: "line-through", 
        color: "gray", 
    taskDescription: { 
        fontSize: 16, 
        color: "#666", 
    taskTime: { 
        fontSize: 14, 
        color: "#666", 
    taskStatus: { 
        fontSize: 16, 
        color: "#666", 
    buttonContainer: { 
        // Or 'row' depending on your layout 
        flexDirection: "column",  
        // Adjust the value as needed for the  
        // desired spacing 
        marginVertical: 2,  
    editButton: { 
        backgroundColor: "#007BFF", 
        borderRadius: 5, 
        padding: 10, 
        marginRight: 10, 
        width: 110, 
    button: { 
        marginBottom: 10, 
    completeButton: { 
        backgroundColor: "#4CAF50", 
        borderRadius: 5, 
        padding: 10, 
        marginRight: 10, 
        width: 110, 
    completedButton: { 
        backgroundColor: "#808080", 
    buttonText: { 
        color: "#fff", 
        fontSize: 15, 
    deleteButton: { 
        backgroundColor: "#FF9500", 
        borderRadius: 5, 
        padding: 10, 
        width: 110, 
    addButton: { 
        alignItems: "center", 
        justifyContent: "center", 
        backgroundColor: "#007BFF", 
        paddingVertical: 15, 
        borderRadius: 10, 
        marginTop: 20, 
    addButtonText: { 
        color: "#fff", 
        fontSize: 18, 
        fontWeight: "bold", 
    modalContainer: { 
        flex: 1, 
        padding: 20, 
        backgroundColor: "#fff", 
    input: { 
        borderWidth: 1, 
        borderColor: "#ccc", 
        padding: 10, 
        marginBottom: 20, 
        borderRadius: 5, 
        fontSize: 16, 
    inputLabel: { 
        fontSize: 16, 
        fontWeight: "bold", 
    errorText: { 
        color: "#FF3B30", 
        fontSize: 16, 
        marginBottom: 10, 
    taskDeadline: { 
        color: "#FF3B12", 
    taskCreatedAt: { 
        color: "#5497FF", 
export default styles;


打开终端并输入以下命令运行React Native应用程序。

npx expo start


npx react-native run-android


npx react-native run-ios


React-Native 创建一个任务管理应用







