Python os.WIFSIGNALED() - 检查进程是否因任何信号而退出

Python os.WIFSIGNALED() 方法

Python os.WIFSIGNALED() 方法用于检查进程是否因任何信号而退出。该方法以os.wait()、os.system()或os.waitpid()方法返回的进程状态代码为参数,如果进程因信号而退出,则返回True,否则返回False。



os.WIFSIGNALED(status) 参数



os.WIFSIGNALED(status) 示例1

使用 os.WIFSIGNALED() 方法

# Python program to explain os.WIFSIGNALED() method
# importing os module 
import os
# Create a child process
# using os.fork() method
pid = os.fork()
# pid greater than 0
# indicates the parent process
if pid :
    # Wait for the completion of
    # the child process and get
    # its pid and
    # exit status indication
    info = os.wait()   
    # info is a tuple
    # info[0] represents child's id
    # info[1] represents exit status code
    print("\nIn parent process")
    # Check whether the child process
    # exited due to a signal
    # using os.WIFSIGNALED() method
    signaled = os.WIFSIGNALED(info[1])
    print("Child process exited due a signal?")
else :
    print("In Child process")
    print("Process ID:", os.getpid())
    print("Hello ! Geeks")
    # os.abort() method will
    # generate a SIGABRT signal
    # to the current process


In Child process
Process ID: 10224
Hello! Geeks

In parent process
Child process exited due a signal?

os.WIFSIGNALED(status) 示例2

使用 os.WIFSIGNALED() 方法

# Python program to explain os.WIFSIGNALED() method
# importing os and signal module 
import os, signal
# Create a child process
# using os.fork() method
pid = os.fork()
# pid greater than 0
# indicates the parent process
if pid :
    # Create one more child
    pid2 = os.fork()
    if pid2 :
        # Wait for the completion of
        # first child process and get
        # its pid and
        # exit status indication
        # using os.waitpid() method
        child1_info = os.waitpid(pid, 0)
        # Send signal 'SIGKILL' to
        # second child process
        # using os.kill() method
        # and get its pid and
        # exit status code
        # using os.waitpid() method
        os.kill(pid2, signal.SIGKILL)
        child2_info = os.waitpid(pid2, 0)   
        # os.waitpid() method
        # returns a tuple which
        # represents child's pid
        # and exit status code
        print("\nIn parent process")
        # Check whether the first child
        # process exited due a signal
        # using os.WIFSIGNALED() method
        isSignaled = os.WIFSIGNALED(child1_info[1])
        print("First child process exited due to a signal?")
        # Check whether the second child
        # process exited due a signal
        # using os.WIFSIGNALED() method
        isSignaled = os.WIFSIGNALED(child2_info[1])
        print("Second child process exited due to a signal?")
    else :
        print("\nIn second child process")
        print("Process id:", os.getpid())
        print("Hey ! there")
        while True :
            print("Waiting for signal..")
else :
    print("In first child process")
    print("Process ID:", os.getpid())
    print("Hello ! Geeks")


In First child process
Process ID: 3752
Hello! Geeks

In second child process
Process id: 3753
Hey! there
Waiting for signal..
Waiting for signal..
Waiting for signal..
Waiting for signal..
Waiting for signal..

In parent process
First child process exited due to a signal?
Second child process exited due to a signal?







