Python os.utime()方法

Python os.utime()方法


os.utime() 语法

os.utime(path, times =None,*,[ns,]dir_fd =None,follow_symlinks = True) 

os.utime() 参数

times(可选):一个2元组,形式为atime, mtime,每个成员是一个整数或float值,分别表示访问时间和修改时间,单位为秒。
ns(可选):一个2元组(atime_ns, mtime_ns),每个成员是一个整数或float值,分别表示访问时间和修改时间,单位为纳秒。
follow_symlinks:一个布尔值,True或False。If True方法将跟随符号链接,否则不跟随。


os.utime() 示例1


# Python program to explain os.utime() method 
# importing os module 
import os
# Path
path = '/home / ihritik / Documents / file.txt'
# Print current access and modification time
# of the above specified path
print("Current access time:", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time:", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Access time in seconds
atime = 200000000
# Modification time in seconds
mtime = 100000000
# Set the access time and 
# modification time for the
# above specified path
# using os.utime() method
tup = (atime, mtime)
os.utime(path, tup)
print("\nAccess and modification time changed\n")
# Print current access and modification time
print("Current access time:", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time:", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Either we can specify times
# or specify ns parameter.
# It is an error to specify
# tuples for both times and ns


Current access time (in seconds): 1568930018.710342
Current modification time (in seconds): 1568930018.610892

Access and modification time changed

Current access time (in seconds): 200000000.0
Current modification time (in seconds): 100000000.0

os.utime() 示例2


# Python program to explain os.utime() method 
# importing os module 
import os
# Path
path = '/home / ihritik / Documents / file.txt'
# Print current access and modification time
# of the above specified path
print("Current access time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Access time in nanoseconds
atime_ns = 20000000012345
# Modification time in nanoseconds
mtime_ns = 10000000012345
# Set the access time and 
# modification time in nanoseconds 
# for the above specified path
# using os.utime() method
# (ns is keyword only argument) 
tup = (atime_ns, mtime_ns)
os.utime(path, ns = tup)
print("\nAccess and modification time changed\n")
# Print current access and modification time
print("Current access time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Either we can specify times
# or specify ns parameter.
# It is an error to specify
# tuples for both times and ns


Current access time (in seconds): 1568930018.710342
Current modification time (in seconds): 1568930018.610892

Access and modification time changed

Current access time (in seconds): 20000.000012345
Current modification time (in seconds): 10000.000012345

os.utime() 示例3


# Python program to explain os.utime() method 
# importing os module 
import os
# Path
path = '/home / ihritik / Documents / file.txt'
# Print current access and modification time
# of the above specified path
print("Current access time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# Set the access time and 
# modification time in nanoseconds 
# for the above specified path
# using os.utime() method
print("\nAccess and modification time changed\n")
# Print current access and modification time
print("Current access time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_atime)
print("Current modification time (in seconds):", os.stat(path).st_mtime)
# If times is None and ns is unspecified,
# then it will be equivalent to
# specifying ns = (atime_ns, mtime_ns)
# where member atime_ns and mtime_ns
# are current time in nanoseconds 


Current access time (in seconds): 20000.000012345
Current modification time (in seconds): 10000.000012345

Access and modification time changed

Current access time (in seconds): 1568930018.710342
Current modification time (in seconds): 1568930018.610892

参考:https:/ library/os.html#os.utime







