Java Field getName()方法及示例
java.lang.reflect.Field 的 getName() 方法用于获取该Field对象所代表的字段的名称。当一个类包含一个字段,我们想获得该字段的名称时,我们可以使用这个方法来返回字段的名称。
public String getName()
参数: 该方法不接受任何东西。
返回值: 该方法返回一个 字符串 ,是基础成员的简单名称。
程序1 :
// Java program to demonstrate getName() method
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
// Get the marks field object
Field field = User.class
// Apply getName Method on User Object
// to get the name of Marks field
String value = field.getName();
// print result
+ " is " + value);
// Now Get the Fees field object
field = User.class.getField("Fees");
// Apply getName Method on User Object
// to get the name of Fees field
value = field.getName();
// print result
+ " is " + value);
// Now Get the name field object
field = User.class.getField("name");
// Apply getName Method on User Object
// to get the name of name field
value = field.getName();
// print result
+ " is " + value);
// sample User class
class User {
// static double values
public static double Marks = 34.13;
public static float Fees = 3413.99f;
public static String name = "Aman";
public static double getMarks()
return Marks;
public static void setMarks(double marks)
Marks = marks;
public static float getFees()
return Fees;
public static void setFees(float fees)
Fees = fees;
public static String getName()
return name;
public static void setName(String name)
{ = name;
Name is Marks
Name is Fees
Name is name
// Java program to demonstrate getName() method
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.time.Month;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws Exception
// Get all field objects of Month class
Field[] fields = Month.class.getFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
// print name of Fields
System.out.println("Name of Field:"
+ fields[i].getName());
Name of Field:JANUARY
Name of Field:FEBRUARY
Name of Field:MARCH
Name of Field:APRIL
Name of Field:MAY
Name of Field:JUNE
Name of Field:JULY
Name of Field:AUGUST
Name of Field:SEPTEMBER
Name of Field:OCTOBER
Name of Field:NOVEMBER
Name of Field:DECEMBER
参考文献 :