import java.util.Scanner;
public class Example
public static void main(String args[])
int counter, i=0, j=0, temp;
int number[] = new int[100];
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.print("How many elements you want to enter: ");
counter = scanner.nextInt();
/* This loop stores all the elements that we enter in an
* the array number. First element is at number[0], second at
* number[1] and so on
for(i=0; i<counter; i++)
System.out.print("Enter Array Element"+(i+1)+": ");
number[i] = scanner.nextInt();
/* Here we are writing the logic to swap first element with
* last element, second last element with second element and
* so on. On the first iteration of while loop i is the index
* of first element and j is the index of last. On the second
* iteration i is the index of second and j is the index of
* second last.
j = i - 1;
i = 0;
temp = number[i];
number[i] = number[j];
number[j] = temp;
System.out.print("Reversed array: ");
for(i=0; i<counter; i++)
System.out.print(number[i]+ " ");
How many elements you want to enter: 5
Enter Array Element1: 11
Enter Array Element2: 22
Enter Array Element3: 33
Enter Array Element4: 44
Enter Array Element5: 55
Reversed array: 55 44 33 22 11