#include<iostream>usingnamespace std;main(){int a =5;int b =20;int c ;if(a && b){
cout <<"Line 1 - Condition is true"<< endl ;}if(a || b){
cout <<"Line 2 - Condition is true"<< endl ;}/* Let's change the values of a and b */
a =0;
b =10;if(a && b){
cout <<"Line 3 - Condition is true"<< endl ;}else{
cout <<"Line 4 - Condition is not true"<< endl ;}if(!(a && b)){
cout <<"Line 5 - Condition is true"<< endl ;}return0;}
当上述代码被编译和执行时,它产生以下结果 –
Line 1- Condition is true
Line 2- Condition is true
Line 4- Condition is nottrue
Line 5- Condition is true