Scala 集合Set-2

Scala 集合Set-2

Set中,我们只能在可变集合中添加新元素。当我们在可变集合中使用可变集合时,+= 、++= 和 add() 方法用于添加新元素;当我们在不可变集合中使用可变集合时,+=用于添加新元素。

例1 :

// Scala program to illustrate how to 
// add items using +=, ++== and add()
// method in mutable set with mutable
// collection
import scala.collection.mutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing set
        var myset = Set("G", "Geek", "for")
        println("Set before addition "+
                "of new elements:")
        // Adding new element in set
        // using += and ++==
        myset += "Geeks"
        // Here, "G" is already present in the
        // Set so, "G" is not added in set
        myset ++== List("Geeks12", "geek23", "G")
        // Adding elements using add() method
        println("\nSet after addition of new elements:")


Set before addition of new elements:
Set(for, G, Geek)

Set after addition of new elements:
Set(geek23, for, Geeks, G, Geek, Geeks12, geeksForgeeks100, GeeksforGeeks)

例2 :

// Scala program to illustrate how
// to add items using += operator in
// mutable set with immutable collection
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing mutable set
        var myset = Set("G", "Geek", "for")
        println("Set before addition" +
                " of new elements:")
        // Adding new element in set
        // using += operator
        myset += "GeeksforGeeks"
        myset += "geeks1000"
        println("\nSet after addition " +
                "of new elements:")


Set before addition of new elements:
Set(G, Geek, for)

Set after addition of new elements:
Set(for, Geek, G, geeks1000, GeeksforGeeks)

从易变集合 中删除元素 在集合中,我们只能删除易变集合中的元素。 -=-= 方法被用来删除元素,当我们在易变集合中处理 易变集合时,我们也可以使用 retain() , clear() , 和 remove() 方法来删除元素。当我们在不可变的集合中处理可变 的集合时,-=操作符被用来删除元素。

例1 :

// Scala program to illustrate
// how to delete items using -=
// and --= methods in mutalbe set
// with mutable collection
import scala.collection.mutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing
        //mutable set
        var myset = Set(100, 400, 500,
                        600, 300, 800)
        println("Set before deletion:")
        // Deleting elements in set
        // using -= and --= methods
        myset -= 600
        myset --= List(300, 100)
        println("\nSet after deletion:")


Set before deletion:
Set(300, 100, 800, 500, 600, 400)

Set after deletion:
Set(800, 500, 400)

例2 :

// Scala program to illustrate
// how to delete items using
// retain(), and clear() methods
// in mutalbe set with mutable
// collection
import scala.collection.mutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing
        // mutable set
        var myset1 = Set(100, 400, 500,
                            600,300, 800)
        var myset2 = Set(11, 44, 55, 66, 77)
        println("Set before deletion:")
        // Deleting elements in set
        // using retain() method
        println("\nSet after using retain()" +
                                " method:")
        // Deleting elements in set
        // using clear() method
        myset2. clear
        println("\nSet after using clear() method:")


Set before deletion:
Set(300, 100, 800, 500, 600, 400)
Set(66, 55, 11, 44, 77)

Set after using retain() method:
Set(800, 600)

Set after using clear() method:

在不可变集中添加项目不可变集中 ,我们不能添加元素,但是我们可以使用 +++ 操作符来添加不可变集中的元素,并将结果存储到一个新的变量中。这里,”+”用于添加单个或多个元素,”+”用于添加在另一个序列中定义的多个元素,以及在不可变集的串联中。


// Scala program to illustrate how
// to add elements in immutable set
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing
        // immutable set
        val myset1 = Set(100, 400, 500,
                          600,300, 800)
        val myset2 = Set(11, 44, 55, 66, 77)
        println("Set before addition:")
        println("\nSet after addition:")
        // Add single element in myset1
        // and create new Set
        val S1 = myset1 + 900
        // Add multiple elements in myset1
        // and create new Set
        val S2 = myset1 + (200, 300)
        // Add another list into myset1
        // and create new Set
        val S3 = myset1 ++ List(700, 1000)
        // Add another set myset2 into
        // myset1 and create new Set
        val S4 = myset1 ++ myset2


Set before addition:
Set(500, 600, 800, 300, 400, 100)
Set(77, 44, 66, 11, 55)

Set after addition:
Set(500, 900, 600, 800, 300, 400, 100)
Set(500, 600, 800, 300, 400, 200, 100)
Set(500, 700, 1000, 600, 800, 300, 400, 100)
Set(500, 77, 44, 66, 600, 11, 55, 800, 300, 400, 100)

从不可 变的集合中移除元素 在 不可变的集合 中,我们不能移除元素,但是我们可以使用 操作符从不可变的集合中移除元素,并将结果存入一个新的变量。在这里,-操作符被用来移除一个或多个元素,而-操作符被用来移除另一个序列中定义的多个元素。 例子

// Scala program to illustrate how
// to remove elements in immutable set
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing
        // immutable set
        val myset = Set(100, 400, 500, 600,
                        300, 800, 900, 700)
        println("Set before deletion:")
        println("\nSet after deletion:")
        // Remove single element in myset and
        // Result store into new variable
        val S1 = myset - 100
        // Remove multiple elements from myset
        // Result store into new variable
        val S2 = myset - (400, 300)
        // Remove another list from myset
        // Result store into new variable
        val S3 = myset -- List(700, 500)


Set before deletion:
Set(500, 900, 700, 600, 800, 300, 400, 100)

Set after deletion:
Set(500, 900, 700, 600, 800, 300, 400)
Set(500, 900, 700, 600, 800, 100)
Set(900, 600, 800, 300, 400, 100)

集合运算 现在我们将看到一些关于集合的基本 数学运算 ,如并集、交集和差集。

  1. 并联: 在这个操作中,我们可以简单地将一个集合与其他集合相加。因为集合本身不允许有任何重复的条目,所以我们不需要照顾到共同的值。为了执行联合,我们使用union()方法。
  2. 交叉: 为了获得两个集合的共同值,我们使用intersect()方法。它返回一个新的集合,其中包含两个集合中的所有共同值。
  3. 差异: 为了获得两个集合的差异,我们使用diff()方法。它返回一个包含所有不存在于myset2中的集合。


// Scala program to illustrate union,
// intersection, and difference on Set
import scala.collection.immutable._
object Main
    def main(args: Array[String])
        // Creating and initializing set
        val myset1 = Set(11, 22, 33, 44,
                        55, 66, 77, 111)
        val myset2 = Set(88, 22, 99, 44,
                            55, 66, 77)
        // To find intersection
        val S1 = myset1.intersect(myset2)
        // To find the symmetric difference
        val S2 = myset1.diff(myset2)
        // To find union
        val S3 = myset1.union(myset2)


Set(77, 22, 44, 66, 55)

Set(33, 11, 111)

Set(88, 33, 77, 22, 44, 66, 11, 99, 55, 111)







