Node.js diffieHellman.generateKeys() 方法
diffieHellman.generateKeys() 方法是 crypto 模块中 DiffieHellman 类的内置应用程序接口,用于生成 DiffieHellman(dh)对象的私钥和公钥值。
参数: 这个方法以编码作为参数。
返回值: 以指定的编码返回DiffieHellman公钥。如果没有提供编码,则返回Buffer,否则返回String。
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// diffieHellman.generateKeys() method
// Destructure createDiffieHellman method from crypto
const { createDiffieHellman } = require('crypto');
// Instances of the DiffieHellman class
const dh = createDiffieHellman(512);
// Generate DH's Key
// No encoding specified
// Return Buffer
let dhKey = dh.generateKeys()
console.log('\nIs Buffer return ( encoding not specified ) : ' +
Buffer.isBuffer( dhKey ) ) // true
console.log('Return value :')
console.log( dhKey )
// Encoding specified
// Return String
dhKey = dh.generateKeys('base64')
console.log('\nIs Buffer return ( encoding specified ): ' +
Buffer.isBuffer( dhKey ) ) // true
console.log('Return value :')
console.log( dhKey )
使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:
node index.js
Is Buffer return ( encoding not specified ) : true
Return value :
<Buffer 6d 17 8c ea 74 27 5b f4 86 f8 72 f9 73 93 19 8b 27 90 86 e7
d8 1b 1c 50 b2 65 9a 66 bc 2c 4d 49 f6 46 3e b5 1c 09 e5 ef 5c b9 8e
fc 65 95 aa 40 3a 6c ... 14 more bytes>
Is Buffer return ( encoding specified ): false
Return value :
// Node.js program to demonstrate the
// diffieHellman.generateKeys() method
// Destructure createDiffieHellman method from crypto
const { createDiffieHellman } = require('crypto');
// Generate Alice's keys...
const alice = createDiffieHellman(512);
// Generate Alices's Prime
const alicePrime = alice.getPrime();
// Generate Alice's Generator
const aliceGenerator = alice.getGenerator()
// Generate Alice's Key
const aliceKey = alice.generateKeys('base64');
// Generate Bob's keys...
const bob = createDiffieHellman( alicePrime, aliceGenerator );
// Generate Bobs's Prime
const bobPrime = bob.getPrime();
// Generate Bob's Generator
const bobGenerator = bob.getGenerator()
// Generate Bob's Key
const bobKey = bob.generateKeys('base64');
// Exchange and generate the secret...
const aliceSecret = alice.computeSecret(bobKey, 'base64', 'base64');
const bobSecret = bob.computeSecret(aliceKey, 'base64', 'base64');
let isSymmetric = aliceSecret == bobSecret
// true
console.log( `Is Symmetric key generation successful : ${ isSymmetric }` );
使用以下命令运行 index.js 文件:
node index.js
Is Symmetric key generation successful : true