例1 :
int f1 = 9
int f2 = 15
解释 。
例 2 :
int f1 = 32
int f2 = 31
解释 。
例3 :
int f1 = 40
int f2 = 40
解释 。
// importing ArrayList as it is
// required by the program
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class MisMatchingBits
// a method that finds the number of mismatching bits
// in the numbers a and b
public int countMisMatchBit(int a, int b)
// handling the base case
// if both the numbers are the same, then
// the number of mismatching bits is zero.
if(a == b)
return 0;
// for storing the count of the mismatching bits
int countMisMatchBits = 0;
// two lists that represent the binary representation in reverse order
// of the numbers a and b in 8 bits
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
// loop that converts the number a
// from decimal (base-10) to binary (base-2)
while(a != 0)
int n = a % 2;
a = a / 2;
// loop that converts the number b
// from decimal (base-10) to binary (base-2)
while(b != 0)
int n = b % 2;
b = b / 2;
// the lists size have to be 8
// if the size of the lists is less than 8 and
// increase the size upto 8 by adding 0 to it.
while(list1.size() != 8)
while(list2.size() != 8)
// loop that makes the comparison of bits of the numbers a and b
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if(list1.get(i) != list2.get(i))
// mismatch occurred. Hence, increase the count by 1
countMisMatchBits = countMisMatchBits + 1;
// return the count
return countMisMatchBits;
// main method
public static void main(String[] argvs)
// creating an object of the class MisMatchingBits
MisMatchingBits obj = new MisMatchingBits( );
// the two input numbers
int f1 = 9;
int f2 = 15;
int ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 32;
f2 = 31;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 40;
f2 = 40;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
输出 。
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 9 and 15 is: 2
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 32 and 31 is: 6
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 40 and 40 is: 0
复杂度分析: 程序中使用了四个while循环和一个for循环。在所有这五个循环中,两个while循环和一个for循环只会运行一个恒定的时间。最后两个while循环和for循环在最坏的情况下需要O(8)时间,这是一个常数。所以,程序的总体时间复杂度取决于前两个while循环。第一个while-loop需要O(dig1)时间,第二个循环需要O(dig2)时间。因此,程序的总体时间复杂度是O(dig1 + dig2),其中dig1是数字f1中存在的数字总数,dig2是数字f2中存在的数字总数。该程序的空间复杂度需要O(8)次,这是一个常数。
public class MisMatchingBits1
// a method that finds the number of mismatching bits
// in the numbers a and b
public int countMisMatchBit(int a, int b)
// handling the base case
// if both the numbers are the same, then
// the number of mismatching bits is zero.
if(a == b)
return 0;
// for storing the count of the mismatching bits
int countMisMatchBits = 0;
// it is given in the problem that every number will
// fit in 8 bits. Hence, the loop runs till the eighth bit
// Here, zero-indexing is used.
for (int pos = 0; pos < 8; pos++)
// right shifting both of the numbers by 'pos' and
// checking whether the bit at the position pos is different
// or not
if (((a >> pos) & 1) != ((b >> pos) & 1))
countMisMatchBits = countMisMatchBits + 1;
// return the count
return countMisMatchBits;
// main method
public static void main(String[] argvs)
// creating an object of the class MisMatchingBits1
MisMatchingBits1 obj = new MisMatchingBits1( );
// the two input numbers
int f1 = 9;
int f2 = 15;
int ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 32;
f2 = 31;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 40;
f2 = 40;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
输出 。
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 9 and 15 is: 2
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 32 and 31 is: 6
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 40 and 40 is: 0
复杂性分析: 该程序只使用了一个循环,只运行了O(8)次,这是不变的。此外,该程序没有使用任何额外的空间。因此,该程序的时间和空间复杂度都是O(1)。
我们取两个数字,10和2。现在,10 ^ 2 = 8。这是因为1010 ^ 0010 = 1000(值是8)。我们看到第一位(从右到左开始)被设置为1,因为数字10的第一位是1,数字2是0(不匹配)。其余的位都与两个数字相匹配。因此,在XOR值中其余的位是0。
在XOR值中,我们看到只有一个位被设置。因此,数字10和2的不匹配位数是1。 观察以下程序。
public class MisMatchingBits2
// a method that finds the number of mismatching bits
// in the numbers a and b
public int countMisMatchBit(int a, int b)
// handling the base case
// if both the numbers are the same, then
// the number of mismatching bits is zero.
if(a == b)
return 0;
// for storing the count of the mismatching bits
int countMisMatchBits = 0;
int xorVal = a ^ b;
// loop that counts the number of set bits in the
// value xorVal
while(xorVal != 0)
xorVal = xorVal & (xorVal - 1);
countMisMatchBits = countMisMatchBits + 1;
// return the count
return countMisMatchBits;
// main method
public static void main(String[] argvs)
// creating an object of the class MisMatchingBits2
MisMatchingBits2 obj = new MisMatchingBits2( );
// the two input numbers
int f1 = 9;
int f2 = 15;
int ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 32;
f2 = 31;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
System.out.println( );
// the two input numbers
f1 = 40;
f2 = 40;
ans = obj.countMisMatchBit(f1, f2);
System.out.println("The number of mismatching bits for the numbers " + f1 + " and " + f2 + " is: " + ans);
输出 。
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 9 and 15 is: 2
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 32 and 31 is: 6
The number of mismatching bits for the numbers 40 and 40 is: 0
复杂度分析: 该程序的时间以及空间复杂度是常数,即O(1)。
注意:我们在本教程中讨论了三个程序,渐进地看,所有程序的时间复杂性都是一样的。然而,在所有这三个程序中,第三个程序的复杂性是最好的。这是因为第三个程序中使用的while-loop只运行O( setBits ) 次,其中 setBits 是两个给定数字的XOR值中的set位数。通常情况下,在一个XOR值中,设置位的数量是相当少的。因此,在大多数情况下,第三个程序的while-loop的运行次数甚至少于O(8)次。