Java CharBuffer wrap()方法

Java CharBuffer wrap()方法

wrap(char[ ] array)

java.nio.CharBuffer 类的 wrap() 方法用于将一个字符数组包入一个缓冲区。新的缓冲区将以给定的char数组为后盾。因此,对缓冲区的任何修改都会导致数组被修改,反之亦然。新缓冲区的容量由array.length决定,它的位置将是0,它的标记将是未定义的。它的支持数组将是给定的数组,它的数组偏移将是0。


public static CharBuffer wrap(char[] array)

参数: 该方法接受一个 数组 作为参数,它将支持这个缓冲区。

返回值: 该方法返回新的char缓冲区。

下面的例子说明了 wrap() 方法。

例子-1 :

// Java program to demonstrate
// wrap() method
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declare and initialize the char array
        char[] cbb = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
        // print the char array length
        System.out.println("Array length : " + cbb.length);
        // print the char array element
        System.out.println("\nArray element : "
                           + Arrays.toString(cbb));
        // wrap the char array into charBuffer
        // using wrap() method
        CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(cbb);
        // Rewind the intbuffer
        // print the char buffer
        System.out.println("\ncharBuffer : "
                           + Arrays.toString(charBuffer.array()));
        // print the CharBuffer capacity
        System.out.println("\ncharbuffer capacity : "
                           + charBuffer.capacity());
        // print the CharBuffer position
        System.out.println("\ncharbuffer position: "
                           + charBuffer.position());


Array length : 3

Array element : [a, b, c]

charBuffer : [a, b, c]

charbuffer capacity : 3

charbuffer position: 0

wrap(char[ ] array, int offset, int length)

新的缓冲区将以给定的char数组为后盾。因此,对缓冲区的任何修改都会导致数组被修改,反之亦然。新缓冲区的容量由array.length决定,它的位置是offset,它的极限是offset + length,它的标记是未定义的。它的支持数组将是给定的数组,它的数组偏移量将是零。


public static CharBuffer wrap(char[ ] array, int offset, int length)

参数: 该方法需要以下参数。

  • array: 将支持新缓冲区的数组。
  • offset: 要使用的子数组的偏移量;必须是非负数,并且不大于array.length。新缓冲区的位置将被设置为这个值。
  • length: 要使用的子数组的长度;必须是非负数,并且不大于array.length – offset。新缓冲区的极限将被设置为offset + length。

返回值: 该方法返回新的char缓冲区。

抛出: 该方法抛出 IndexOutOfBoundsException (如果offset和length参数的前提条件不成立)。


例子-1 :

// Java program to demonstrate
// wrap() method
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declare and initialize the char array
        char[] cbb = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
        // print the char array length
        System.out.println("Array length : " + cbb.length);
        // print the char array element
        System.out.println("\nArray element : "
                           + Arrays.toString(cbb));
        // wrap the char array into charBuffer
        // using wrap() method
        CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(cbb, 0, cbb.length);
        // Rewind the intbuffer
        // print the char buffer
        System.out.println("\ncharBuffer : "
                           + Arrays.toString(charBuffer.array()));
        // print the CharBuffer capacity
        System.out.println("\ncharbuffer capacity : "
                           + charBuffer.capacity());
        // print the CharBuffer position
        System.out.println("\ncharbuffer position: "
                           + charBuffer.position());


Array length : 3

Array element : [a, b, c]

charBuffer : [a, b, c]

charbuffer capacity : 3

charbuffer position: 0

实例2: 演示NullPointerException

// Java program to demonstrate
// wrap() method
import java.nio.*;
import java.util.*;
public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declare and initialize the float array
        char[] cbb = { 'a', 'b', 'c' };
        // print the char array length
        System.out.println("Array length : " + cbb.length);
        // print the char array element
        System.out.println("\nArray element : " + Arrays.toString(cbb));
        try {
            // wrap the char array into charBuffer
            // using wrap() method
            System.out.println("\nHere "
                               + "offset and length does not hold"
                               + " the required condition ");
            CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.wrap(cbb, 1, cbb.length);
            // Rewind the intbuffer
            // print the char buffer
            System.out.println("\ncharBuffer : "
                               + Arrays.toString(charBuffer.array()));
            // print the CharBuffer capacity
            System.out.println("\ncharbuffer capacity : "
                               + charBuffer.capacity());
            // print the CharBuffer position
            System.out.println("\ncharbuffer position: "
                               + charBuffer.position());
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            System.out.println("Exception throws: " + e);


Array length : 3

Array element : [a, b, c]

Here offset and length does not hold the required condition 
Exception throws: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException







